
Signs of miscarriage after IVF transfer and how to deal?

10 Feb 2025
Home Signs of miscarriage after IVF transfer and how to deal?

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Reproductive medicine has undergone great advancements, and now there are many methods to help aspiring parents give birth to their biological child if they face severe challenges with natural fertility. For couples facing infertility issues, IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a widely preferred method for conception. It is often chosen due to its higher success rate compared to other fertility treatments. However, IVF is not guaranteed to be successful in every case. The possibility of miscarriage after an IVF transfer cannot be completely ruled out, as multiple factors influence the success of childbirth after IVF.

Miscarriage After IVF Transfer

It is highly painful to undergo a miscarriage when you are all prepared and hoping to receive a child. However, just as miscarriages happen in natural pregnancies, IVF is no exemption. The sooner you realise that you are facing a miscarriage, the easier it gets to cope with the situation. Reproductive health of the mother is crucial. Understanding the early signs of miscarriage helps take action to manage the situation better and supports the mother in recovering physically and emotionally.

Symptoms of Miscarriage

Symptoms of miscarriages post IVF transfers are so much similar to miscarriage symptoms that happen in natural pregnancies.

Vaginal Bleeding: The most common symptom during a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding that might stay as long as a week. It can vary from heavy bleeding to light spotting similar to that in menstrual period.

Discharge of tissues: Pregnancy tissues tend to discharge through blood, if one is undergoing a miscarriage.

Abdominal Cramps: Women tend to experience abdominal pain post a miscarriage. The pain can vary from mild cramps to severe aches and discomfort. .

Lower Back pain: Most often, the abdominal pain is accompanied by lower back pain.

Subsiding Pregnancy Symptoms:
The pregnancy symptoms including nausea, fatigue, tenderness in the breasts, etc., that start to appear after conception tend to subside due to miscarriage. You may suddenly stop experiencing these symptoms or experience them less intensely.

Weakness and Weight Loss: Feeling weak and sudden weight loss could be early signs of a miscarriage.

How to deal with Signs of Miscarriage?

Even though these signs may indicate a miscarriage after IVF, they cannot be confirmed every time. It is always appropriate to consult your fertility specialist before confirming the same and taking further actions. However if you have actually undergone a miscarriage, the path forward seems to be a little tough.

After a miscarriage, the chances of fertility are better. However do not be in a haste to conceive. Make sure you give yourself enough time to heal both physically and emotionally. Give your body proper rest, avoiding hard physical activities.

If you are finding it difficult to cope with your loss, do not hesitate to seek help. Counselling sessions could  help you to a great extent. It is also the responsibility of the family to support the parents, especially the mother during this hard time.

Physical recovery is also very important. Difficulties including bleeding and cramps are reduced once the pregnancy tissues are discharged. At the same time, it is also important to replenish the body with nutritious food and proper hydration

Miscarriages are unfortunate events in the life of aspiring parents. It takes time to recover from the trauma. Before you take any step is advisable to consult your doctor, because they can guide you better on your reproductive health.

StudyREPRO offers comprehensive reproductive medicine courses for doctors to enhance their skills. Contact our team to choose one that helps you maximize your proficiency and boost your career.

Authored By: Pooja Premraj

By : Admin
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